I'm a designer, programmer
and data analyst
Visit this website!
I love to be creative!
With the client side computer languages HTML, CSS and Javascript, I wrote the source code for buttons
OpenUI5 is similar to SAS SE
(system Analysis Program societas
Europaea) although some added SAPUI5 controls
are not present in OpenUI5.
websites I made with a CMS
My Marriage Photobook
Steps to take if you want me to build your website
Essays that I wrote for KUL, Sociale School Heverlee,CLT, CVO en HoGent
Essays that I wrote for KUL, Sociale School Heverlee,CLT, CVO en HoGent
Apps I made with Javascript and APIs
Currency calculator from euro to dollar, pound, yuan and naira
In interaction with the OpenWeather Api, I extract weather info.
I wrote this children game with Javascript
To practise the multiplication tables, I use flip cards with the right answer on the back.
I wrote this program to easily learn some basic Igbo words
Computer aided artwork
Pixi is a plugin to make complex, moving, interactive graphics
Press-work I made and how to create 3D objects with help of the computer
The study of data can give meaningful insights.
I used the matplotlib Python library to analyse the data during the flood in Belgium in
I used Power Bi to analyse data that correlates with life expectancy
About electronic and electrical devices
I assembled and programmed a robotic arm
I get to know electronic components and then control them with software
About me and how to contact me with links to my other websites, CV and social media
Links to CV's, certificates en my websites
My Certificates
I made a podcast about networking
Photos of my Art work
Songs I recorded
My blog based on my facebook posts