Hallo, my name is Els Evenepoel-Abanobi. I live in Belgium and I can remotely work for clients all over the world.
I love to be creative and I wish to achieve good results through life long and continuous learning and working. I obtained through self-study and distance learning qualifications and competencies in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, SQL / Web Applications, Computer Architecture, Analysis, Databases, Math4IT, International Communication, Networking, Cybersecurity, Operating Systems, Business & Management, System Engineering Lab / basics online marketing / CMSs (Wordpress, Joomla, Backdrop and MyBB), CRM (civiCRM) / basic electronics (breadboard projects, Raspberry pi) / digital graphic design (Pixi.js, Paint, Inkscape, Video editing) / non-digital art (ceramics, drawing, painting and textile) /audio-editing / Christian ethics, communication and pastoral help.
If you would like me to create a website for you, if you have any further questions or if you would like to leave a comment, then please contact me via the form below or via the contact info. I look forward to hear from you. certification certification certification certification


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+32 465 201046

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