This exam was online and you had only 2 hours the time. The exam arrived 10 minutes too late what caused negative stress. I know and love JavaScript since 2018 when I got a certificate at W3Schools and I made a JavaScript application that I posted on github I don't see the importance of changing an array into an object which was the topic of Oefening 2 but I learned the pattern, understood it well and applied it the day after the exam to the posts on I got a non-deliberately 6/20 after doing everything I could to prepare for the exam. I consider exams that don't reflect the capacity for the topic as worthless and had to stop further investment in obtaining the diploma after obtaining already credits for 11 courses. It was emotioally very difficult to process. It meant the end of my dream to work as a payed, recognized web developer and it increased my distrust and post traumatic stress problem. If someone can provide me with more insight, I would be very grateful for that.